7 Helpful Tips for Practicing Self-Validation

Validation means to express understanding and acceptance of a person's experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Recognizing these may be able to create our own version of self-validation. Self-validation makes you feel proud and positive about yourself. It simply means validating that your feelings are normal and that you are non-judgment of your feelings. This may seen as: 

i. Acknowledging your talents and strengths

ii. Prioritizing your needs

iii. Encouraging and saying nice things to yourself

iv. Accepting you are enough 

v. Being kind to yourself

vi. Accepting your mistakes and weaknesses

The importance of self-validation is to help you to recognize and accept the wide range of emotions. Validating yourself may ease you to not relying on others the worth of yourself. These may reflect self-criticism, comparing yourself to others, denying your needs and feelings, perfectionism, and judging yourself harshly are not types of validation. 

In the art of practicing self-validation, let's learn these helpful practices and statements that may contribute to us validating ourselves freely and in a non-judgemental way. 

1. Notice how you feel and what you need.

Example: I feel angry. I need time alone.

2. Accept your feelings and needs without judgment.

Example: It's okay to feel angry. Anyone would feel angry in this situation. 

3. Talk to yourself like other people.

Example: I’ve made a lot of progress, and I’m really proud of myself!

4. Use self-care techniques to remind yourself. 

Example: Many techniques that are associated with self-care, such, journaling, eating healthy and exercising, treating yourself with a spa day, or having a coffee.  This makes a good reminder to yourself that making an effort to practice self care creates a self-love that naturally and regularly makes you feel happy and healthy. 

5. Be honest with yourself. 

Example: I feel jealous of my friend’s promotion. It’s a normal feeling, and now that I’ve acknowledged it, I’m going to focus on congratulating them.

6. Practice genuineness to yourself. 

Example: I’m a great artist, and I work really hard at getting the recognition I deserve. I don’t need to be perfect to be really talented.

7. Practice positive affirmation. 

Example: I love myself. I am valuable. I am worthy.

This can be altered on negative negative or self-conscious thoughts with affirmations instead. Incorporate daily affirmations on how you can validate yourself is an achievement. If you’re not sure what kind of self-validating things to say to yourself, use the list below for inspiration and try phrases like:

i. My feelings are valid.

ii. It’s okay to cry.

iii. I gave it my best effort, and that’s what matters.

iv. I am worthy of love and respect.

v. I’m more than my accomplishments or failures.

vi. Everyone makes mistakes.

vii. Not everyone likes me, and that's okay because I like myself.

viii. I trust my instincts.

ix. My feelings matter, and I’m going to listen to what they’re telling me.

As we categorized these statements, we want to let you know that having a healthy relationship within yourself creates a good foundation to your mental health. Self-validation can improve your mental health and overall well-being. You can do this by practicing mindfulness and accepting imperfections. Self-validation is freedom. It gives us self-determination in different paths we take in our journey. When you learn to rely on yourself for validation, you gain the liberty to be genuine and own your experiences. Acknowledge yourself and allow the emotions to come and go.If you’re ready to start your journey to better well-being, Empath’s team of mental health professionals is here to help. Book a mental health consultation at www.empath.ph 


  • Martin, S. (2019). Why Its So Important to Validate Yourself and How to Start. PsychCentral. https://psychcentral.com/blog/imperfect/2019/11/why-its-so-important-to-validate-yourself-and-how-to-start
  • Carreau, G. (2024). A Guide to Self-Validation: Why It Matters & How to Use It. https://www.wikihow.com/Self-Validation

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